Patient or families
Medical Transport for Families
Selecting the right air ambulance service can be one of the most difficult challenges you may ever face during your lifetime. Having an ill or injured loved one is already overwhelming, even without the added stress of managing the myriad of details needed for a successful air ambulance transport.
At Jet Rescue Air ambulance, we can help. With over two decades of worldwide service and experience, you can feel confident that we will provide you unmatched service. Our Case managers, in close coordination with all parties involved, will ensure that every aspect of your flight runs smoothly.
From the initial contact at the foreign or domestic hospital to the admission of the patient to the accepting facility, we are there for you all the time.
Our case managers arrange the safe transport of patients across the country and around the world.
Rescue Air Ambulance provides air ambulance transportation anywhere in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. With regional bases in 2 Different countries and “floating” aircraft, our time to patient bedside is drastically decreased while maintaining very competitive rates. With the support of a single point of contact worldwide ground ambulance provider we have a unique ability to coordinate logistics and patient care seamlessly from bedside to bedside everywhere in the world.
How It Works
Jet Rescue Air Ambulance coordinates all aspects of the transport. Our flight coordination department will work with the patient's insurance company, sending and receiving facility, and physician to ensure a seamless bed-to-bed to transport. Our aircraft work in hybrid fixed-base / floating base model. This allows for better pricing for faster, more flexible service across North America.

CARING at a higher level